Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

言語を通しての客観性 acquiring perspective views


Hello and good morning.

It is warm, lovely start of another week and has become the good time for outdoors.


How are you? いかがお過ごしでしょうか?


Recently too, I have been into cooking (especially the new recipes), and I just wonder how our Japanese seasonings are really tasty as well as healthy.

*though I very much like the European cuisine too, using olive oils, garlic, wine etc.

料理はhobbyの一つなのですが、最近も新しいレシピを時々試して、日本の調味料って実に美味でヘルシーだなあとよく思います。 (ヨーロピアンなオリーブ油やガーリックなど使ったものも好きですが。。)



Back at the university in UK, the Japanese foods were very expensive so I used to cook myself and learned several European dishes from other flatmates.

One feature of British colleges is the accommodation hall served for students, and they often share kitchen, laundry spaces, where I would say was truly the mixture of cultures.

イギリスの大学時代になりますが、日本食/食材のお店はとても高くて、留学生たちはもっぱら地元 foodsで自炊していました。 (イギリスのsupermarketはとても大きい) 寮も国籍豊かだったので他の国の料理を見せてもらったり、キッチンやランドリーは共有スペースで色んな文化が時に垣間見えました。

Russian people at the time were communists and they wanted to share everything in the fridge, for example, and Indian students were clever at sometimes telling lies because of their business negotiation skill.  :)

例えば当時ロシアは共産主義の国で、冷蔵庫の食材を各々分けていても・勝手に使われてたり(冷蔵庫も皆でシェア) 苦笑

インド人の方々はビジネス交渉に長けていて、よく嘘をつかれたり。。(狐につままれる感じだった)😌  *communist, ビジネススキルも勿論よい面もあります


Then we Japanese people were, I could say, generally polite and did not insist so much but rather being the intermediary role among other nations.

I think that our nation truly has very original features which should be cherished for so long, and learning another language (inc. English) can be the opportunity to actually notice it; looking at our unique culture perspectively; and feeling proud of what we have posessed.   

それで日本人はというと大概・礼儀正しく、それほどに主張しない。 どちらかというと主張し合う人達の間に入って、intervene 仲介役になる国籍だったかもしれません (?)


他言語から自分の国を客観的に見つめるのも、touching another languageのおもしろい点かなと感じます。