Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩



Hello and good afternoon.  How are you spending your weekend?

Lately with increasing humidity I can feel the smell of ocean like usual year at this season, and it's also joy to have a bit of lovely flowers coming up in my house. 




Personally, it has been a year since I got divourced and although there were many changes in life at first, thankfully I became used to this living now with my work and my son's school activities.

今日はプライベートなお話ですが、昨年シングルマムになってから一年が経ちました。 新しい生活に慣れるのに公私・必死で、けれど最近ようやく仕事と子どもの学校生活(春に転校したので)も軌道に乗りホッとしています。 🔶


Where we have lived near the seashore in Chigasaki is very calm, with quite less population than Fujisawa city, and it sometimes recalls my years back in Europe.  Nights are tranquil with orange road lights; there are many cozy bakeries with good bread & sweets; and people are living in nature.  (I lived in suburban England where you can see sheep and squirrels)  

茅ヶ崎の小さな海辺 townはとても静かで、隣の藤沢市より人口も少なく、不思議とどこか私にヨーロッパを思い起こさせます。 夜はオレンジ色の街灯がぼんやり光り、美味しいパン屋さんがいくつもあるし、人々は自然と調和しながら生活してて。 (イギリスでは羊やリス見かける郊外に住んでいたので。。🐑)

Beach areas were said to have such summer houses like 'besso' or 'ryokan' since the taisho-era, so that may be why these towns are so quiet. 




Perhaps as any single mum, I have got work and especially appreciate that I love what I do regarding languages.  In my twenties I used to do translations at company, but since acquiring the method of teaching eight years ago I enjoy teaching and nowadays am happy to communicate with students of various ages.  

どこのシングルマムもそうだと思いますが仕事ありきで、とりわけ語学の仕事がとても好きなことにいつも感謝で。 二十代の頃は翻訳や通訳をかじってましたが、八年前teaching Englishを始動してからは教えるのがたのしくて、最近は様々な年代の生徒さんと触れ合うチャンスが増えました。 🌺 

Whether that's children or adults; with children I share the joy to encounter language in their early years, and with school students I have opportunities to teach it more logically as well as for exams.  Then with adults, I'm taught to go with English as a means of lifelong learning.

それがコドモでも大人でも、コドモ達とは英語と初めて出会う新鮮さを味わい、学生さんには試験など・言語をよりロジカルに教えること - そして大人へは生涯学習のようなスタンスで英語と付き合ってゆくことを伝えています。


Language doesn't matter genders, generations, and I think that the broader world and perspectives would come onto you possibly whenever in learning another language.
