Hello and good morning. Children's schools and kindergartens have just entered the long summer holidays, and I hope that everyone continues staying aware of this ever high temperature recently. 巷の小学校や幼稚園では夏休みが始まった様子で…
Hello! With this temperature rising, I hope that everyone would be careful of heat stroke towards the real summer. 気温の上昇と共に、夏本番へ向け、熱中症にはどうぞお気を付けください。 Above is the last weekend that I went out to Tanabata f…
Hello and good morning. It is a beautiful week of July, and it looks like we have finally come to the end of such wet rainy season, isn't it. きれいな七月の天候ですが、ようやく梅雨シーズンの終わりに来た感じがします。 Last month my father, …