Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


certain language education for everyone

Hello and very good afternoon. The other day on the bullet train I have seen the news that next world summit of G7 will be held in Hiroshima next year. 先日、新幹線の中で来年行われるG7サミットは、広島で開催されるというニュースを見かけまし…

something a little broader and better around the world

Hello, good afternoon. It is such bright weather today, and very fast though we are towards the end of May. あかるい青天、カフェテラスでblogしておりますが、早いもので五月後半ですね。 今年の初めに法人四期目のmeeting(決算)があり、上半期が…

Studying is in a way the peaceful time.

Hello and very good morning. The photo above is English Garden in Yokohama the other day, and these bloomed roses were just so beautiful & alluring. 先日、横浜のイングリッシュ・ガーデンを久しぶりに訪れ、咲き誇る薔薇たちが何とも美しかったで…


Hello and good afternoon. How are you spending your weekend? Lately with increasing humidity I can feel the smell of ocean like usual year at this season, and it's also joy to have a bit of lovely flowers coming up in my house. 湿度と共に…

色々なコンテクストを知ってみよう One word is used not only in one situation.

Hello and good afternoon. It has really been cozy days with sunshine, and we can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of various flowers, isn't it. このところ陽気を感じる天候続きで、花々の香りや佇まいを感じられますね。 How's everything with you?…

英語は英語のままに (translate 言語変換は負荷がかかる)

Hello and good morning. It's in the midst of big May holidays, and how are you spending this comfortable climate? G.W. 半ばですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? Now I am on my way to west Japan by the bullet train, and lately having had my la…