Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


Summer tides afterwards 波と一緒に 

Hello and good morning. It has been fairly lovely weather these days, and although the shores got quiet in the autumn & winter, I sometimes miss those summer days. このところ心地よい秋の空気感ですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? ビーチもす…

touching & moving moments

Hello, and I hope that you are having good start of the week. How are you? It is becoming chilly morning and nights, so please do take care not having any cold. 新しい週の始まり、朝夕冷える様になりましたが、体調には留意してまいりましょう。…

Let's carry on having English in our life.

Good morning. As the autumn deepens, days have gotten shorter recently, and how is everything with you? 秋の深まりと共に、日が暮れるのが早くなりましたね。 冬支度を始められた方も多いのではないでしょうか。? 私も来年の手帳を新調し、今年もこ…

Stroll around the port, Shonan

Hello and good afternoon. In between the autumn rainy days lately, it is nice to go out taking some strolls, and how are your days going on? ここのところ秋雨続きですが、晴れ間にお出かけや散策は貴重な時間ですね。 如何お過ごしでしょうか? On…

For the beautiful world

*Lovely coffee store in the cozy beach town Hello and good evening. With the climate becoming chilly lately, I hope that everyone stays warm and takes care for not catching any cold towards the winter. 急に気温が下がってきましたが、季節の…


Hello and good morning. 2022年も早いもので三ヶ月程になりましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 秋は気候も良いので行事やイベントなど、さまざまな場所で見られますね。 私のほうも子どもの学校行事や、色々なイベント/ビジネスセミナーへお声がけいた…

Useful tips for exam studying

Hello, and good day to you at the start of October. It has become real cozy season to enjoy a cup of latte or nice tea in hand, isn't it. 秋最中、十月が始まりました。 一杯の珈琲や紅茶と共に過ごすのが心地よい季節ですね。 今月より読売・日本…