Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


Towards the year's end - 時間管理のマトリックス

Hello and very good afternoon. Town and cities are becoming hectic in mood like every our year, and I hope that you won't get any cold toward the year's end. 師走が近づき、街はどことなく忙しなさ漂ってきましたが、年の暮れに向け皆様お風邪な…


Hello! As we are gradually getting closer to the last days of the year, there are many seasonal ornaments to be seen lately. 少しずつ年の瀬に近づくにつれ、師走の飾り付けが行き交う人々の瞳をたのしませています。 風邪の季節に入って、温かくし…

valuable time at fortnight

(*タイトルのfortnightはUK Englishで二週間という意味) Hello and very good morning. Some people have gone to see those fall leaves around the city and countryside, and how are you enjoying these chilly days? 深まった紅葉を観に、街や郊外へ…


*例年・海をイメージしている湘南のiilumination Hello! 師走に向けて街の装いや雰囲気も、冬っぽくなってきました。 How is everything with you? It is quite warm feeling to see those beautiful ornaments of Christmas, isn't it. 日頃レッスンや人と…

go with the flow & walking forward simple

Hello and good afternoon. After the morning rain, it came beautiful weather and I have just been to my son's school festival, which was really fun. お昼までの雨が明けて、所用の合間に子どもの(アイデア満載)文化祭へ行ってきました。 今日はプ…

finding what you are good at 引き出しの見っけ

Hello and good morning. It is already into the midst of November, and I am just wondering how you have been lately? Leaves are becoming yellow and orange in colours, but it takes a little more time until the full foliage of autumn. 十一月…

意志の力 where there is a will, there is the way

Hello and good afternoon. November has begun, and how are you having your mid-autumn days? 秋最中にしては心地よい天候が続いており、如何お過ごしでしょうか? コロナも小康状態ですが引き続きこの冬も、気を付けて乗り切りたいですね。 先日、横須賀…