Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩



Good morning. September - beginning of autumn - is starting, and how is everything with you? As the temperature has become a bit lower, we may feel the air of early autumn or insect sounds especially in the evenings. 若干和らいだ暑さの代…


Hello and very good afternoon. I am writing this in between my lessons, and the above is Indian saag (spinach) curry just made on last weekend. Though it has been continuous hot days, please be careful not to take too much cold stuff, eve…

ホワイトボード愉しいlanguage session

Hello and good afternoon. Summer typhoons have been coming and going like every year, then how is everything with you? Some people are going back to their hometowns during the holidays, and some are probably staying around / chilling out …


Hello! In this midst of summer season, I hear that some people are travelling around during the Bon week, and I wonder where you would be going too. My elder sons went off to Japan Sea to see their grandparents after a few years, also gre…

語学を通じて枠の外へ、and seeing new oneself

Hello and good morning. It has been some time since the last article, and how is everything with you at this hottest season? I have been doing quite busy with my work, children's stuff, and it seems like sun-shining August would go forward…