Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


believing in your ability and confidence

Hello and good morning. It is beautiful winter weather today and I hope that everyone's having hectic but fulfilled days towards the end of year. 今日もきれいな冬晴れですが、年の瀬、慌ただしくも充実した日々をお過ごしでしょうか? 英語レッ…

広く、つよく、柔らかく broader, stronger at the same time, sweeter

Hello! It is another sunny winter day, and how are you spending your weekend? あかるい冬晴れですが、週末いかがお過ごしでしょうか? My cold is nearly there, but just for the coming week I'm taking a rest to move on. Actually, I hadn't have…

daily plates with just small but happy achievements

Hello! It has got really cold in the last few days, and how is everything with you? ここ数日で急に冷え込んできましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? *photo at the central station the other day My boy has caught a little cold, though he's rea…

the winter being suitable for study

Hello and good afternoon. It is beautiful weather today, and we have not had much rain in this autumn I guess. 今日もきれいなお天気ですが、この秋はあまり雨に見舞われていない気がします。 英語レッスン以外で、仕事をしているInternational schoo…