Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


learning languageと静かな情熱

Hello and good morning. As the climate has got freezing recently, some people seem to be getting cold or flu, then I hope that you would stay warm towards the end of year & coming January. 師走も後半に入り、めっきり寒くなってまいりました。…

my continuous happy life

Hello and good morning. It seems like already three weeks that we have until the end of year, and I hope everyone is spending most of their time at this season. 早いもので、今年も暮れまで後三週間となりました。 師走の華やかさ、和やかさを感…

Sweet time comes around.

*late autumn roses with thick gorgeous colour Hello and good morning. Evenings come early in these chilly days, and I hope that you are staying warm and fluffy towards the real winter. 夜が来るのが早くなり、冬本番まで温かく過ごしてゆきた…

Teaching English courseについて

*Quite different style of beachside cinema (where I have seen the British film the other day) Hello and good afternoon. 師走に入って急に寒くなりましたが、春先まで英気をやしない、元気印で過ごしたいものですね。 さて、今年で英語を教え始めて八…

Towards the year's end - 時間管理のマトリックス

Hello and very good afternoon. Town and cities are becoming hectic in mood like every our year, and I hope that you won't get any cold toward the year's end. 師走が近づき、街はどことなく忙しなさ漂ってきましたが、年の暮れに向け皆様お風邪な…


Hello! As we are gradually getting closer to the last days of the year, there are many seasonal ornaments to be seen lately. 少しずつ年の瀬に近づくにつれ、師走の飾り付けが行き交う人々の瞳をたのしませています。 風邪の季節に入って、温かくし…

valuable time at fortnight

(*タイトルのfortnightはUK Englishで二週間という意味) Hello and very good morning. Some people have gone to see those fall leaves around the city and countryside, and how are you enjoying these chilly days? 深まった紅葉を観に、街や郊外へ…


*例年・海をイメージしている湘南のiilumination Hello! 師走に向けて街の装いや雰囲気も、冬っぽくなってきました。 How is everything with you? It is quite warm feeling to see those beautiful ornaments of Christmas, isn't it. 日頃レッスンや人と…

go with the flow & walking forward simple

Hello and good afternoon. After the morning rain, it came beautiful weather and I have just been to my son's school festival, which was really fun. お昼までの雨が明けて、所用の合間に子どもの(アイデア満載)文化祭へ行ってきました。 今日はプ…

finding what you are good at 引き出しの見っけ

Hello and good morning. It is already into the midst of November, and I am just wondering how you have been lately? Leaves are becoming yellow and orange in colours, but it takes a little more time until the full foliage of autumn. 十一月…

意志の力 where there is a will, there is the way

Hello and good afternoon. November has begun, and how are you having your mid-autumn days? 秋最中にしては心地よい天候が続いており、如何お過ごしでしょうか? コロナも小康状態ですが引き続きこの冬も、気を付けて乗り切りたいですね。 先日、横須賀…

Summer tides afterwards 波と一緒に 

Hello and good morning. It has been fairly lovely weather these days, and although the shores got quiet in the autumn & winter, I sometimes miss those summer days. このところ心地よい秋の空気感ですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? ビーチもす…

touching & moving moments

Hello, and I hope that you are having good start of the week. How are you? It is becoming chilly morning and nights, so please do take care not having any cold. 新しい週の始まり、朝夕冷える様になりましたが、体調には留意してまいりましょう。…

Let's carry on having English in our life.

Good morning. As the autumn deepens, days have gotten shorter recently, and how is everything with you? 秋の深まりと共に、日が暮れるのが早くなりましたね。 冬支度を始められた方も多いのではないでしょうか。? 私も来年の手帳を新調し、今年もこ…

Stroll around the port, Shonan

Hello and good afternoon. In between the autumn rainy days lately, it is nice to go out taking some strolls, and how are your days going on? ここのところ秋雨続きですが、晴れ間にお出かけや散策は貴重な時間ですね。 如何お過ごしでしょうか? On…

For the beautiful world

*Lovely coffee store in the cozy beach town Hello and good evening. With the climate becoming chilly lately, I hope that everyone stays warm and takes care for not catching any cold towards the winter. 急に気温が下がってきましたが、季節の…


Hello and good morning. 2022年も早いもので三ヶ月程になりましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 秋は気候も良いので行事やイベントなど、さまざまな場所で見られますね。 私のほうも子どもの学校行事や、色々なイベント/ビジネスセミナーへお声がけいた…

Useful tips for exam studying

Hello, and good day to you at the start of October. It has become real cozy season to enjoy a cup of latte or nice tea in hand, isn't it. 秋最中、十月が始まりました。 一杯の珈琲や紅茶と共に過ごすのが心地よい季節ですね。 今月より読売・日本…

見えている範囲のVersion up

Lovely chocolate store near the beach in my neighborhood Hello and very good afternoon. It has become truly a comfortable season with high autumn sky and we can see early Halloween ornaments towards October, which makes me feel that we alr…


Hello! Though unfortunately September weekends are somewhat affected by typhoons, it seems that some people have gone watch the arts and I myself went to Chinatown yesterday. 九月の台風でイマイチな天候が続いておりますが、雨にも負けずアート…


Hello and good afternoon. Due to the autumn typhoons we tend to have such pouring-rainy days at this time, but how is everything with you? 秋の台風シーズンで雨模様の日もちらほらですが、季節の変わり目いかがお過ごしでしょうか? As it will ge…


Hello and good afternoon. Since it is getting cooler day by day, I like to walk around the autumn beach and smelling breeze & deep breathing is a good feeling as always. 朝夕の気温と共に、秋の波打ち際が心地よいこの頃です。 いかがお過ごし…

英語レッスンについて page renewal and carry on

Hello! Coming into the midst of September, it has been fairly cozy weather to spend the days, isn't it. Beach town where I live too got quieter and it's nice to take a stroll at this season of the year. 九月、日が進むにつれ過ごしやすい天…

teaching is learning and a great fun.

Hello, and how are you spending at midst of the week? Temperature has got lower mornings and evenings, and I could see nice autumn foods around marche, supermarkets. 朝夕の気温が下がってきました。 秋の味覚もマルシェなど見かけるようになり、…

Like the tides

Hello and good afternoon. It has become a mild season, and as I live close to the ocean it's truly comfortable to have winds every morning. Soon that we are to see the mackerel sky, isn't it. 暑さも和らいで、海の近くに住んでいるので毎朝風…

Being keen on our Japanese cuisine

Hello and good afternoon. Children's schools have commenced, and days are back to the routine in September. Then like most of mums I'm quite relieved as my son goes for longer hours, enjoying every activity. How is everything with you? Tow…


Hello! It is getting cooler day by day recently, and I like this season towards the autumn since the beaches also will have calmer moods. 少し涼しくなって秋の気配を感じるようになりましたね。 ビーチも静かに移りゆく夏の終わりのムードが好きで…

ハンサムウーマン learnersより学ぶ

Hello and good afternoon. Going through late August, it has become a bit cooler and easier to spend these days, isnt't it. 八月も下旬に差し掛かり、若干涼しく過ごしやすくなってきました。 いかがお過ごしでしょうか? With this temperature it i…


Hello and good morning. Though it has really been hot and humid like usual August, how is everything with you? 残暑に入り、気だるい暑さが続いております。⛱ 体調管理にはどうぞお気を付けくださいね。 さて、来年からの読売センター・ポルトガル語…

lifeworkに沿ってのrelationship, in my case

Hello and good evening. How are you, in the midst of August? Long summer holidays, while doing school's homework and some activities, may be relaxing however a bit boring time for children. 暑さ続いておりますが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? …