Hello and very good morning. It is already nearly the end of September, and time flies really, isn't it. I hope that everyone will not catch cold nor flu towards the coming chilly seasons! 気づくと九月も終盤で、日が短くなりました。 寒い季…
*So delicious authentic noodles that my steady cooked with affection Very good morning to all. It seems that September has broght us quite nice wind especially at the end of day. Then here comes the season of marron, pumpkins and potatoes…
Hello, in the early autumn afternoon! The temperature has got milder, and we can see deep blue sky of fall these days, isn't it. I hope that everyone should be spending comfortable days. I myself have been quite hectic with my work, lesso…
Hello, and very good afternoon. As we entered September, it has got a bit more comfortable to spend nights with those wind and smell from the shore, in villa town Chigasaki. 九月に入って、夜風や磯の香りが心地よく漂うこの頃です。 如何お過ご…