Hello! It is getting cooler day by day recently, and I like this season towards the autumn since the beaches also will have calmer moods. 少し涼しくなって秋の気配を感じるようになりましたね。 ビーチも静かに移りゆく夏の終わりのムードが好きで…
Hello and good afternoon. Going through late August, it has become a bit cooler and easier to spend these days, isnt't it. 八月も下旬に差し掛かり、若干涼しく過ごしやすくなってきました。 いかがお過ごしでしょうか? With this temperature it i…
Hello and good morning. Though it has really been hot and humid like usual August, how is everything with you? 残暑に入り、気だるい暑さが続いております。⛱ 体調管理にはどうぞお気を付けくださいね。 さて、来年からの読売センター・ポルトガル語…
Hello and good evening. How are you, in the midst of August? Long summer holidays, while doing school's homework and some activities, may be relaxing however a bit boring time for children. 暑さ続いておりますが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? …
Hello and good afternoon. Towards mid-August the temperature will even rise, and with this global heating please take care of yourself during the coming bon-week too. 八月半ばに向け気温も上がってきて、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 近年の地球…
Hello and good evening. Weekend seems to be half rained, so please take care not to be too wet when going outside. 今晩は。 週末は幾分、雨模様のようですが外出の際はどうぞお気を付けください。☂️ この頃40sも半ばになって、ふと語学の仕事もかな…