Hello! It has become quite lovely season to have hot coffee or tea in hand, as well as taking stroll out in greens. And how is everything with you? 過ごしやすい時節、あたたかい珈琲や紅茶がとりわけ美味しく感じられる近頃です。 (芋栗カボチャ…
Hello and very good afternoon. As autumn October goes by, those Halloween ornaments and warm colours are enjoyable scenes towards the end, isn't it. 窓を開けているとひんやり、冬へ近づきつつあるのを感じるこの頃。 あったかい毛布や長袖の出…
*Cute and tasty carrot cake store where I popped in the other day Morning! With a bit chilly air in the mornings and nights, it is becoming nice season for hot coffee, soups or stews, isn’t it. 心地よい秋風吹き抜けるこの頃、風邪など流行り…
Hello and good morning. October has commenced, and autumn is as always my very favourite season, then I wonder what about yours? 十月になると、秋の訪れを肌で感じる雰囲気ですね! *the above is cabbage & miso gratin, which tasted so good. …