Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


Season's greetings - 本年もありがとうございました。

Hello, and good morning. It is only several days until the year’s end, and how is everything with you in this freezing climate? 年末が近づいて、ぐっと気温も下がり、皆さま風邪など召されませんよう。 温かくされて、佳き年をお迎えになりますよう…


Hello! 芋栗かぼちゃの季節もいつしか終盤、X'mas cakesや年の瀬の装いが、瞳たのしませてくれる近頃です。 How are the things with you? On last weekend I went out to the city with my steady boyfriend, and though it was quite jammed with those w…

仕事を通して成長する - growing oneself up

Hello, and good morning. As the month of Shiwasu - December brings hectic atmosphere and winter brightness like every year, I hope that everyone would spend warm & cozy time with loved ones. 師走の忙しない雰囲気や輝きに包まれつつ、冷え込ん…

Hello, December and 美味しい世界

Hello and good afternoon. December has started, and how is everything with you? Though it is becoming freezing outside in this early winter, it lets me cheerful being in the new coat myself, and I bet people always like to wear something f…

言語 × 好きなコトで相乗効果interacition

Hello and good afternoon. 師走が近づきつつあり、街はせわしない雰囲気になってきました。❄︎❄︎ 近頃、子ザウルス称してる息子も思春期に差しかかって少々育児のむつかしさもありつつ、仕事は変わらずgreat refreshment and joy for myselfです。 普段接す…


*Beautiful, magnificent folding screens of the Tokaido fifty-three stations. 東海道五十三次が描かれた屏風。 仕事場のある藤沢が宿場だったことから、小さな博物館で Good morning. 紅葉 autumn leavesが見頃を迎えてるようですが、お風邪など召されて…

外国語学習は閉塞感を打ち破るOne way

Good morning. It is becoming freezing these days, and I think that everyone should be preparing winter stuff to get warmed. My son the other day brought back sweet potatoes and dinosaur snowdome from school, and whether that's chilly or su…

好きなことに囲まれて - being surrounded by the nicest things.

Hello and very good afternoon. November has started, and it is quite surprising how time would fly, although this continues to be my favourite time of the year. 十一月が始まりましたが、月日の経つのは早いですね! 如何、お過ごしでしょうか?…

I thank you to the lovely environments.

Hello! It has become quite lovely season to have hot coffee or tea in hand, as well as taking stroll out in greens. And how is everything with you? 過ごしやすい時節、あたたかい珈琲や紅茶がとりわけ美味しく感じられる近頃です。 (芋栗カボチャ…


Hello and very good afternoon. As autumn October goes by, those Halloween ornaments and warm colours are enjoyable scenes towards the end, isn't it. 窓を開けているとひんやり、冬へ近づきつつあるのを感じるこの頃。 あったかい毛布や長袖の出…

What would you like to preserve in our culture?

*Cute and tasty carrot cake store where I popped in the other day Morning! With a bit chilly air in the mornings and nights, it is becoming nice season for hot coffee, soups or stews, isn’t it. 心地よい秋風吹き抜けるこの頃、風邪など流行り…


Hello and good morning. October has commenced, and autumn is as always my very favourite season, then I wonder what about yours? 十月になると、秋の訪れを肌で感じる雰囲気ですね! *the above is cabbage & miso gratin, which tasted so good. …


Hello and very good morning. It is already nearly the end of September, and time flies really, isn't it. I hope that everyone will not catch cold nor flu towards the coming chilly seasons! 気づくと九月も終盤で、日が短くなりました。 寒い季…


*So delicious authentic noodles that my steady cooked with affection Very good morning to all. It seems that September has broght us quite nice wind especially at the end of day. Then here comes the season of marron, pumpkins and potatoes…

"Be confident"を積み上げてゆく

Hello, in the early autumn afternoon! The temperature has got milder, and we can see deep blue sky of fall these days, isn't it. I hope that everyone should be spending comfortable days. I myself have been quite hectic with my work, lesso…

Boys be ambitious!

Hello, and very good afternoon. As we entered September, it has got a bit more comfortable to spend nights with those wind and smell from the shore, in villa town Chigasaki. 九月に入って、夜風や磯の香りが心地よく漂うこの頃です。 如何お過ご…


Good morning. September - beginning of autumn - is starting, and how is everything with you? As the temperature has become a bit lower, we may feel the air of early autumn or insect sounds especially in the evenings. 若干和らいだ暑さの代…


Hello and very good afternoon. I am writing this in between my lessons, and the above is Indian saag (spinach) curry just made on last weekend. Though it has been continuous hot days, please be careful not to take too much cold stuff, eve…

ホワイトボード愉しいlanguage session

Hello and good afternoon. Summer typhoons have been coming and going like every year, then how is everything with you? Some people are going back to their hometowns during the holidays, and some are probably staying around / chilling out …


Hello! In this midst of summer season, I hear that some people are travelling around during the Bon week, and I wonder where you would be going too. My elder sons went off to Japan Sea to see their grandparents after a few years, also gre…

語学を通じて枠の外へ、and seeing new oneself

Hello and good morning. It has been some time since the last article, and how is everything with you at this hottest season? I have been doing quite busy with my work, children's stuff, and it seems like sun-shining August would go forward…


Hello and good morning. Children's schools and kindergartens have just entered the long summer holidays, and I hope that everyone continues staying aware of this ever high temperature recently. 巷の小学校や幼稚園では夏休みが始まった様子で…


Hello! With this temperature rising, I hope that everyone would be careful of heat stroke towards the real summer. 気温の上昇と共に、夏本番へ向け、熱中症にはどうぞお気を付けください。 Above is the last weekend that I went out to Tanabata f…

sharing points of view, opinions and hearing from others

Hello and good morning. It is a beautiful week of July, and it looks like we have finally come to the end of such wet rainy season, isn't it. きれいな七月の天候ですが、ようやく梅雨シーズンの終わりに来た感じがします。 Last month my father, …


Very good afternoon. With this humidity and climate, it seems that summer cold is spreading around places like schools or people's workplaces. My youngest son as well had got cold in a few years, although he rarely catches it because of th…

環境は自身で選べる And how we look at.

Hello and good afternoon. Now that towards the end of June, it is becoming quite humid with early summer breeze from the ocean. How is everything with you? 近頃、blogの更新が月二回程になっておりますが、変わらず大人のグループレッスンや英検…


Hello and good afternoon. In June, at the midst of wet and humid rainy season, how are the things with you? Having loads of washings or going out in the pouring rain seems quite hard everyday-work, isn’t it? 六月、梅雨真っ只中ですが、いか…


Hello and good afternoon. いきなりプレッシャーを与える(?) photoで、すみません。* 春も終盤ながら寒暖の差大きい近頃ですが、如何お過ごしでしょうか。。? Recently sunny days and rainy days seem to have come each in a row, isn't it. 快晴の日と…

Reading through Englishで、英語試験は突破できる

Hello and good afternoon. The climate is becoming really nice recently, with those lovely flowers to be caught. Then how are you planning to spend your G.W.? 五月と連休が始まり、新緑や花々の美しい近頃ですね。 マスク生活も解放されつつあるの…


*Beautiful day in Ginza the other day Hello and good morning. 時おり春雨はあるものの、気候も良くなりtaking a strollやテラスでお酒など、愉しい時節になってきました。 プライベートな話で恐縮ですが、シングルマムになって二年が経ちまして、隣の市…