Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


語学学習の先にあるもの your dreams beyond learning.

*the new coffee store that has just opened with retro atmosphere in seaside Chigasaki Hello! February is about to start, and how is everything with you? Some days are becoming easier to spend as for weather lately. 寒さの若干和らぐ日も出て…

I appreciate the elegant linguistic time. 優雅な言語時間

Hello and good morning. How is everything with you, with the climate becoming a bit brighter these days? 今年は暖冬ということですが、まだまだ温かくして春先まで乗り切ってゆきたいですね。 2024が始まり、横浜の英語コースは冬季もありがたいこと…


Hello and good afternoon. Just lately that the evenings deepen taking a bit time, I feel that we probably have passed the hardest point of winter. 日が暮れるのがやや更けたと感じる、この頃ですね! 一月も早いもので半ば、大人レッスンや英検ク…

culture & historyと共に形成された言葉たち

the new Yakiniku restaurant that I visited the other day, it was lovely and very modern ☺︎ Hello, good morning. As the new year's work and schools have commenced, ordinary life is now back to routine, then how is everything with you? お正…

Belated, happy new year! 本年もどうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます

Hello and good morning. Belated though, a Happy New Year to all. 遅ればせながら、新年おめでとうございます。 海辺の街は例年のように過ごしやすい冬となっていますが、皆さま、どんな年越しをされましたでしょうか。 年始より地震災害など、思いがけな…