Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


looking back this year, joy & hope with smallest regrets

Hello! As the temperature has been low these days, how is everything with you? I hope that we will stay well during the coming winter too, doing some work-out and eating healthy. 気温が低くなってきたこの頃ですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか…

being parts of the society

Hello and good afternoon. As we have quite good weather to spend, it's also nice to do some outdoors lately; how about you? I myself like to walk daily in the evenings. 過ごしやすい時節で、外でのactivityなど、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 私…

Learning can make you stay young.

Hello and good afternoon. Winter illuminations started to attarct people, in here and there. 冬のイルミネーションが、あちこちで輝くようになりました。 With sunset the lights become on, so that children can enjoy watching it too. 夕方には暗…

What are you into, recently?

Hello! Days are getting shorter, and some days could be really chilly when going out without coats, isn't it. 日が短くなって、コートや羽織りものなしではちょっと冷えるこの頃ですね。 冬物が出始めたので、私も先日 shoppingしてきました。 I pe…


Hello and good morning. With the climate becoming chilly, please take care not to catch the cold. (アップですみません* zoom 英語レッスン) 十一月、だんだんと寒くなってきますので、風邪にはどうぞお気を付けください。 Halloweenが終わったと…


Hello and good morning. Cozy autumn winds, sun have been around us, and the city's begun decorating towards the winter. 快適な時節が続いていますが、街は冬支度の雰囲気に少しずつなってきました。 I like walking through the centre especially …