Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


learning languageと静かな情熱

Hello and good morning. As the climate has got freezing recently, some people seem to be getting cold or flu, then I hope that you would stay warm towards the end of year & coming January. 師走も後半に入り、めっきり寒くなってまいりました。…

my continuous happy life

Hello and good morning. It seems like already three weeks that we have until the end of year, and I hope everyone is spending most of their time at this season. 早いもので、今年も暮れまで後三週間となりました。 師走の華やかさ、和やかさを感…

Sweet time comes around.

*late autumn roses with thick gorgeous colour Hello and good morning. Evenings come early in these chilly days, and I hope that you are staying warm and fluffy towards the real winter. 夜が来るのが早くなり、冬本番まで温かく過ごしてゆきた…

Teaching English courseについて

*Quite different style of beachside cinema (where I have seen the British film the other day) Hello and good afternoon. 師走に入って急に寒くなりましたが、春先まで英気をやしない、元気印で過ごしたいものですね。 さて、今年で英語を教え始めて八…