Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩




In this midst of summer season, I hear that some people are travelling around during the Bon week, and I wonder where you would be going too. 💠


My elder sons went off to Japan Sea to see their grandparents after a few years, also great-grandmother with the age of over 100 years old!  It's quite amazing.

I lost my mum last year just before her turning to seventy five, but I myself still have got my youngest boy so sometimes raising child seems endless for me.


Several persons who divourced like me have left their child/children in order to live alone, however not living with kids just looked lonely to me since there can be nobody to speak to at home. 🍴




It is my third summer at the cozy seaside town in Chigasaki, and despite being next to popular Tsujido its atmosphere is fairly different:  I like tranquil place / Chigasaki has been cottage area for so long, as well as those orange street lamps at night-time somehow remind me of Europe.

*my boyfriend really is used to cooking and caring for what my son likes to eat.  Recently he has sort of acquired the ability to understand my boy further, then I bet that my steady is much wiser than me.  They are now affectionate good friends. :)



My mum, who had seen her mother-in-law as a dressmaker (knitting) teacher, told me that "Teaching skills could be taken for granted. 教える技術を持つのは当たり前のこと。Additionally, you should have something else, like charms, how you dress on, and something which attracts people. プラスアルファで、装いなども大事、人を惹きつける何かも。" 👡


茅ヶ崎は夏の間ビーサンにラフな格好でOK(!) ですが、秋から都内寄りで授業が準備されてるので母の言葉を今一度思い出し、素敵な御縁いただく方々に感謝しつつ語学を広げてゆきたいと思っています。