Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

my continuous happy life


Hello and good morning.

It seems like already three weeks that we have until the end of year, and I hope everyone is spending most of their time at this season. 🏂

早いもので、今年も暮れまで後三週間となりました。 師走の華やかさ、和やかさを感じられる一年の締めくくりシーズンでありますように。


Last year I spent the Christmas and new year with my smallest son alone, and I somehow came to really get used to living as single mum for the last one and a half year.


It has been totally a different experience from my life until that time, however I had felt living with child would be sometimes easier, not totally on my own but having someone close and sharing my points of view. 🌸


振り返ると子育てが始まってからも時おり、自分と子どもだけだとラクだなあと思う瞬間もあり、価値観や視点を子ども達とはたやすく分かち合えたからかもしれません。 *子どもは生まれた時から母と一緒ゆえ


Nevertheless, I have always wished to stay with someone else since I bet that nobody can live through merely by themselves in life.


Nowadays, hardly like France though, there are various styles of happiness and ways of couples in Japan too.


Within my old friends for example, there are married ones; divorced ones; remarried ones; with children or without children; still being single etc.  Then for me they each look to be enjoying their livings, and over many years we used to encourage since the student's era, having the same hard time and sweet time also. 💠

たとえば私の古くからの友達メンバーでは: 長年結婚している人、離婚を経験した人、再婚した人、子どものいる人・いない人、独身を続けてる人など。 

皆それぞれだけれど、“自分にしかないやり方”で人生を愉しんでるようにも見えますし、集まると各々の生き方をとりあえず応援モード。 学生時代から嬉しい時も哀しい時も、一緒にやり過ごしてきたtimeと絆があるからかもしれないです。



I would say that wherever we are and whenver we are, the friendship I have had will continue and it's just wonderful feeling how sweet they are. 


誰しも自分が自分でいられるような場所って、きっと大事なんですよね。 (で、それは一中一夜ではなく、それなりの時間かかるものかなあと)