Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

What are you into, recently?




Days are getting shorter, and some days could be really chilly when going out without coats, isn't it.


冬物が出始めたので、私も先日 shoppingしてきました。 👜

I personally like the colours of autumn and winter, beige, grey, wine-red etc.




What are you into lately?

What kinds of things are you keen on?

What do you get interested in these days?



As for me, though I like to try new recipes from books (when cooking), it is often enjoyable arranging in my way and making it into the original taste.

私の場合ですが、料理をする時に本などで新しいレシピを試してみるのも楽しいけれど、自分流に(適当に ?)アレンジして、美味しいものに仕上がった時は嬉しいものです。




It's totally daily cuisine for myself and child, however appearance may be the sorts that attract other people too.  So, I find it interesting to finish it up nicely whether that's food or home-made sweets.



Probably just like crafts or arts (sceneries also, not to say), watching things beautiful and lovely can add the degree to your choice, and it can stimulate your antena / senses I suppose.



What are you into, recently?

Then for the rest of year, I hope that you have the warm-coloured season with joy & peace!



quite different style of the illy cafe, Ginza

(Ginza is really similar to the European atmosphere I feel, and those small streets just behind the high street even look so lovely.  I used to work in this area at the 20s.  銀座は欧州の街の雰囲気によく似てて、目抜き通りからの路地裏とかもとってもかわいらしく。 二十代の頃、銀座で仕事していたのが懐かしい*)