Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

looking back this year, joy & hope with smallest regrets




As the temperature has been low these days, how is everything with you?

I hope that we will stay well during the coming winter too, doing some work-out and eating healthy. 🍳


来たる冬に向けて、体調を整え(運動 work-outも)、バランスの取れた食生活を送りたいものですね。

*the photo is taken at cozy book cafe in Yokohama


At this time of the year, I always tend to ask my students about looking back one year and how they feel or think.

Every year it would be wonderful I bet, if we had any regrets at the minimum.




Of course at the times, unexpected things may happen to us, however we all have got twenty-four hours per day, so as the same length of year.

For me, I sort of have my own style of living, and it was influenced by some cultures back in Europe.

There, people wish to have (for example);  happy time with friends and close ones, eat good and healthy, often possess just enough money to spend for their 'vacance', enjoy the cultural activities as well as study etc.


私自身は何となく、こういったlife styleを持ちたい、というのが欧州へ留学した頃からイメージにあって。



This is because the climate in most European parts can be cold (especially in the continent), people try to find the small things grateful and joyfull.  

これは、大概のヨーロッパの国々が気候が寒く(特に大陸なんかは)、日々の小さなことに歓びやありがたさを見い出そうとする? 性分であると思われます。


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Looking back, how was your this year so far?



Please take care of yourselves without the cold towards December.




