Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

surrounded by the things you like can lift you up.



A very-belated Happy New Year to you all.


I wish that your 2022 will be joyfull, healthy and prosperous one. 




How were your winter holidays?

I went to Atami with my son just on the first day of starting year, and it was quite full of people unexpectedly.




At this time, many of us I bet tend to think about the new year's resolutions;  it is fun having ideas and get motivated for oneself, isn't it.

As for me, in these years especially the resolutions have been something that are not so big but achievable with joy and accomplishment.




Last year, I put an end to the nineteen years of relationship, have experienced the emotional wave to certain extent (as it is said), but going to the workplace and teaching the language made me feel stable and as always, fairly good feeling.

昨年はプライベートで長年のrelationに終止符を打ち、その反動や感情の波もそれなりにあって、けれど仕事場に行き・求められた場所で語学に携わることがサポートしてくれ、仕事は(大概)いつでも私にとってgood feelingです。


Environment is important, and where we are and what sorts of things surround us everyday, every month can virtually become our thinking or customs.

Then I want to choose what I really like, from coffee mug to the pair of jeans, from favourite music to the interesting places to go.    


人はお気に入りのもの・空間にふれてるとゴキゲン上々と思うので、コーヒーマグから好きなジーンズ、聴く音楽から行ってみたい場所まで。 自分に素直に、選ぶようにしています。


Life may be the repetition of choices you make, however sometimes we are pushed by the unseen things and I would like to cherish the one-to-one communication this year too.  

きっと選択の連続でこれまでのlifeもやって来て、これからもそうですが、時に見えない何かに背中を押されることはあると思いますし、今年もone-to-one の対話とコミュニケーションをまず大切にしてゆきたいと感じてます。

