Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

writing down can be the better means of expressing



Hello and good afternoon.

Winter has passed its peak, and we can now see some colourful flowers appealing towards the spring. 


It has already been four months since I started this blog, and I have written fairly a lot of topics so far (especially from seven years ago when I first began writing blog).

このhatena ブログも早いもので4ヶ月となり、七年前に初めてブログを書き出してから色々なトピックを綴ってきました。


Each day from the morning, things to do that day, places to go and some other ideas often come up on my mind, so I need to take memos myself.


Memo may be a small but important habit because it is a visible form of what you're actually thinking; from what we cook for supper to our latest objectives etc. 




* I baked lemon cakes on the weekend


Writing down memos can also be your output of (for instance) the feelings, and like speaking it becomes good means of expressing oneself, our opinions or experiences I suppose.

それに時には自身の感情だったり、表現する手段としてspeakingよりもwritingのほうが合ってる、ということも各々であるかなあと。 (I quite like talking too, though.)




私は本が好きなのですが、十年前より子育ての傍、お菓子を作るようになって洋菓子本は二十冊ほど。 紙に描かれたものゆえ、challengeしてる内に100以上のsweets recipesを作ってしまいました。 🌺 (最近は料理にハマっておりますが。。)




Then I bet that nice ideas, thinking, or words are what make our everyday-life and hence our reality & figures.
