Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

Hello February, a bit fragrance of the spring


Hello and good afternoon.

Fairly quick though, we are about to enter the second month of the new year.  How is everything with you?

一月の大寒を過ぎ、早いもので新年の二ヶ月目になります。 如何お過ごしでしょうか? 風邪など召されませんように、温かくしてお過ごしくださいね。


昨春から進めてきています読売センターでの英語コース、一周回ってこの春・新規コースを開講予定です。 英文ライティングはhomeworkを重ねたおかげで、皆さんかなり腕が上がってこられ、嬉しい限りです。 



相変わらず料理が愉しくて、時々異国のものを作っては料理で旅気分♩ こちらはギリシャ料理のmusakka ムサカ。 挽肉、茄子、トマトとシンプルですが美味しいと言って貰えると嬉しい


生姜たっぷり、大根も一緒に豚の生姜焼き、白飯が進みます。 お料理も語学と同じ、場数をこなす(trial and error)ことでだんだん上達してきますね。。


I used to make family's dishes for about twenty years almost all by myself, and it was quite a long length of time, if you imagine two decades.  Although I was not particularly an excellent cook, preparing five persons' food was not a small job at home.

Sometimes I got tired, sometimes I became bored with my cooking (I felt like wanting to taste other people's cuisine), then after my divource, recently my eldest son has started cooking and he's so fast to absorb how to do that!  It is really amazing.

If he can stand in the kitchen at the age of eighteen, his future girlfriend or wife would be very happy, and I suppose that his younger brother will probably follow as well. 🌸🌸

