Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

happiness & joyを積み上げてゆく



Hello and good afternoon.

It is pouring rain today (raining like cats and dogs, I could say), and how are you spending your weekend?

お久しぶりです。 雨の週末入りですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?

*It rains like cats and dogs = どしゃ降り


It has been quite a while since the last article, due to my lap-top repairs lately.

愛用のmac pcがしばらく故障してましたので、ブログが空いてしまいました。


Many people seem to be enduring quite strong hay fever this year, and I hope that drinking some tea (with honey or ginger) would work regularly to soothe the condition.

この春は花粉が例年に比べて多いようで、花粉症のお声をよく聞きますが、紅茶に蜂蜜や生姜を入れて呑むのもいいみたいです。 私自身は花粉症の辛さがよく分からないのですが; 少しでも和らぎますように。🌿🌸




By the way, yesterday I had my son's elementary graduation ceremony, and it was really moving moments that he has made lots of progress in his school years.


Then I very much appreciate to the teachers, environments, and people who surrounded him creating smiles and helping its growth.

六年間・毎日一緒に登校し、育まれた環境に感謝しています。 一人の人間が、たくさんの笑顔の中で成長できたことは本当にありがたいこと。


Environment, for anyone, can be important I think, and looking back myself I was raised in the loving surroundings with care & kindness.

Although I got divourced last year, I bet my children have had a considerable amount of memories long since the childhood, then I wish that every child can pile up happy, good memories on their own. 



どんな子どもも、たのしい経験や心に残る思い出を積み上げられる世の中に。 そしてまず大人がそういう姿を見せるのは大事かなと思っています。🎈🎈





🌺 大人のための「おもてなし英会話」

