Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


Let's carry on together. 語学の道のりをたのしむ

Hello and good afternoon. It has been some time since the last article, but how is everything with you lately? Cherry blossoms have gone, and we may be waiting for the next season of beautiful roses, aren't we. この春からようやくマスクを…

With much thanks to my English course

Hello and good afternoon. Cherry trees are nearly towards the end, as April is soon to begin, and how are the things with you? Lately I seem to have launched the hay fever, finally after forty seven years! First experience to know indeed, …

fragrance of spring and island time

Hello and good morning. Lovely spring is just flourishing, and how is everything with you, although the pollens seem to have increased this year? I went back to hometown in the west for several days with my elder sons, and climate was bea…

new trend "worcation"

Hello! The climate has got warmer and warmer lately, and how are you spending these spring days although there should be lots of pollen just as every year? とみに暖かくなってきた三月ですが、花粉症の方も多いようで、どうぞ留意してお過ごしく…


Hello! With the temperature increasing gradually, the spring awaits us and how is everything with you? 少しずつ気温も上がってきて、春の訪れを感じる近頃。 如何お過ごしでしょうか? In February I had my son's important exams, then perhaps wit…

継続 continuanceで見えてくる世界がある

*週末に覗いたお洒落なwine bar Hello and good aftenoon. As we probably have passed the coldest time of year, it seems like the spring will await us! However at the same time, please do take care with coming hay fever. 一年で最も寒い時期を…


Hello and good afternoon. 二月、冷え込みが続いておりますね。 時には英語シャドーイングや朗読で、身体warm upさせてゆきましょう。 さて一月にいつも、生徒さん/受講生さん方へnew year's resolutions - 新年の抱負を伺うのですが、英語・外国語の自身に…


Hello and good aftenoon. It seems that this chilly pouring rainy day continues until the night. 寒い雨の一日ですが、外出の際はどうぞお気を付けくださいね。☂️ この春からの読売(横浜)センター、新規英語コースは「イギリス英語」を開講の予定で、…


Hello! 今年も「英語朗読 - Reading aloud English」を時々YouTubeに載せてまいりますので、ご覧いただけたら嬉しいです。 *よろしかったらsubscribe 登録してくださいね。 耳/listeningをよくすると、自然と口/speakingも良くなってきます。 日々の英語学…

Hello February, a bit fragrance of the spring

Hello and good afternoon. Fairly quick though, we are about to enter the second month of the new year. How is everything with you? 一月の大寒を過ぎ、早いもので新年の二ヶ月目になります。 如何お過ごしでしょうか? 風邪など召されませんように、…

winter cuisine and sweets

Hello and good afternoon. New year's January has already passed the half, but how are you spending this winter season so far? 新しい年の一月も半分が過ぎましたが、寒いシーズン如何お過ごしでしょうか? 一番寒い時期に入り暖房が欠かせませんが、…

Belated happy new year - 新年のご挨拶

A belated happy new year for everyone, and good afternoon. I wish here that your 2023 will be prosperous and joyfull year with all the bests. 遅ればせながら、新年おめでとうございます。 新たな2023年が、皆さまにとりまして実り多い、素敵な一年…