Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩


夏の風と一緒に 語学の空気感

Hello and good afternoon. Towards mid-August the temperature will even rise, and with this global heating please take care of yourself during the coming bon-week too. 八月半ばに向け気温も上がってきて、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 近年の地球…


Hello and good evening. Weekend seems to be half rained, so please take care not to be too wet when going outside. 今晩は。 週末は幾分、雨模様のようですが外出の際はどうぞお気を付けください。☂️ この頃40sも半ばになって、ふと語学の仕事もかな…


Hello and good afternoon. It has been real beautiful weather these days, and how are you? Atmosphere in Shonan summer looks nice as every usual year, and beaches will soon be jammed with people throuth July and August. 湘南の夏幕開けし・い…

work-out × English 運動と英語

Hello and very good morning. Having passed a month since the last article, the weather lately has really been hot and muggy. And how is everything with you? 前回の記事より一ヶ月が空いてしまいましたが、暑さと湿気がすっかり定着した七月後半で…

cozy living, cozy time 居心地のよさと暮らす

Hello and good afternoon. These days that it is a season of hydrangeas, I can see those lovely flowers of white, purple and blue. How are the things with you? At beaches, the sea houses are being constructed like every summer and I have go…

Go with the flow 語学の流れ

Hello and good evening. It seems like that we entered the rainy season, haven't we. And how is everything with you? 梅雨入りした様子のこの頃、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? ☂️ Please do take care when you go out in the rain. 雨の日は足元に、お…

英検について studying is beautiful

Hello and good morning. (The above is a very tasty smoothie cafe in neighbourhood.) Breezy June has just started, and how is everything with you? 爽やかな六月が始まりましたね。 いかがお過ごしでしょうか? (*ご近所にあるスムージー屋さん、…

certain language education for everyone

Hello and very good afternoon. The other day on the bullet train I have seen the news that next world summit of G7 will be held in Hiroshima next year. 先日、新幹線の中で来年行われるG7サミットは、広島で開催されるというニュースを見かけまし…

something a little broader and better around the world

Hello, good afternoon. It is such bright weather today, and very fast though we are towards the end of May. あかるい青天、カフェテラスでblogしておりますが、早いもので五月後半ですね。 今年の初めに法人四期目のmeeting(決算)があり、上半期が…

Studying is in a way the peaceful time.

Hello and very good morning. The photo above is English Garden in Yokohama the other day, and these bloomed roses were just so beautiful & alluring. 先日、横浜のイングリッシュ・ガーデンを久しぶりに訪れ、咲き誇る薔薇たちが何とも美しかったで…


Hello and good afternoon. How are you spending your weekend? Lately with increasing humidity I can feel the smell of ocean like usual year at this season, and it's also joy to have a bit of lovely flowers coming up in my house. 湿度と共に…

色々なコンテクストを知ってみよう One word is used not only in one situation.

Hello and good afternoon. It has really been cozy days with sunshine, and we can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of various flowers, isn't it. このところ陽気を感じる天候続きで、花々の香りや佇まいを感じられますね。 How's everything with you?…

英語は英語のままに (translate 言語変換は負荷がかかる)

Hello and good morning. It's in the midst of big May holidays, and how are you spending this comfortable climate? G.W. 半ばですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? Now I am on my way to west Japan by the bullet train, and lately having had my la…


Hello! Just recently we can feel the humidity coming from the summer direction, and I quite like this smell of wet air. 夏の方向から湿気含んだ空気を感じるこの頃、蒸し暑さの芽が出てきました。 *かわいらしいflower vaseを見つけて生花をたのし…

言語を通しての客観性 acquiring perspective views

Hello and good morning. It is warm, lovely start of another week and has become the good time for outdoors. 爽やかな陽気の週始まりで、アウトドアなど最適な季節になりましたね。 How are you? いかがお過ごしでしょうか? Recently too, I have bee…


Hello! It is a pouring-rain start of the week, but how is everything with you? あいにく雨の週初めですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? As we are towards the warmer season, there are many places to go out and feel the joy of flowers, isnt't it…

in a way hard but it was certainly the good experience of all.

Hello! With the temperature rising, sakura - cherry flowers are becoming in full bloom here and there (though I have not been to ohanami yet). How is everything with you? 春の気温と共に、桜が満開を迎えていますが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?…

happiness & joyを積み上げてゆく

Hello and good afternoon. It is pouring rain today (raining like cats and dogs, I could say), and how are you spending your weekend? お久しぶりです。 雨の週末入りですが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? *It rains like cats and dogs = どしゃ降り …


Good afternoon on the weekend. How is everything with you? *photo: 辻堂の人気のbakery - chigayaさん。 都内にも店舗進出中 It's a beautiful holiday, and the spring is about to come fairly soon. レッスンやinternational school、英検と進めてお…

writing down can be the better means of expressing

Hello and good afternoon. Winter has passed its peak, and we can now see some colourful flowers appealing towards the spring. 冬の寒さもピークを過ぎ、春を思わせる色合いの花々が瞳をたのしませてくれるこの頃です。 It has already been four mo…

それぞれのstyleと小さなことからjoy & appreciate

Hello and good afternoon. February has started (actually it is 2nd of February, 2022 today :), and how are the things with you? It seems like we passed the coldest time of this season, didn't we? 二月が始まりましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょ…

for younger generations

Hello! Although the chilly days are going on, how is everything with you recently? 冷え込む日が続いておりますが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? あちこちで学級閉鎖など聞かれますが、手洗い・うがいと体調管理でしっかり乗り切っていきましょう。 一…

each one of us has got the own story

Hiya! Though the temperature is low as usual, I like winter in this area just because the seashore looks so calm and we can overlook Mt. Fuji clear and beautiful. 相変わらず気温は低いですが、海岸線は静かで富士山もくっきりと美しい。 冬の澄…

発想・視点の変わる books

Hello and good afternoon. Like the chilly mid-winter, it is good season for the hot chocolate in hand, isn't it. 冬半ばっぽく、一杯のココアの美味しい季節ですね。 年始を過ぎて通常ルーティンになりましたが、皆さんは今年の抱負をどれか・実行さ…

躍動感と学習への姿勢、with on & off time

Hello! It is a beautiful weekend, and how are you spending the three-day holidays including coming-of-age day? きれいな週末ですが、今年初めの成人の日・三連休いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 Yesterday I went up to the city and looked around some…

surrounded by the things you like can lift you up.

A very-belated Happy New Year to you all. 遅ればせながら、新年おめでとうございます。 I wish that your 2022 will be joyfull, healthy and prosperous one. 新しい一年がたのしく、健康で実り多いものとなりますように。 How were your winter holida…