Rie Satoh’s Language Blog in 茅ヶ崎・湘南

Hello! 英語・語学のこと、さまざまなtopicを綴っております♩

ホワイトボード愉しいlanguage session

Hello and good afternoon. Summer typhoons have been coming and going like every year, then how is everything with you? Some people are going back to their hometowns during the holidays, and some are probably staying around / chilling out …


Hello! In this midst of summer season, I hear that some people are travelling around during the Bon week, and I wonder where you would be going too. My elder sons went off to Japan Sea to see their grandparents after a few years, also gre…

語学を通じて枠の外へ、and seeing new oneself

Hello and good morning. It has been some time since the last article, and how is everything with you at this hottest season? I have been doing quite busy with my work, children's stuff, and it seems like sun-shining August would go forward…


Hello and good morning. Children's schools and kindergartens have just entered the long summer holidays, and I hope that everyone continues staying aware of this ever high temperature recently. 巷の小学校や幼稚園では夏休みが始まった様子で…


Hello! With this temperature rising, I hope that everyone would be careful of heat stroke towards the real summer. 気温の上昇と共に、夏本番へ向け、熱中症にはどうぞお気を付けください。 Above is the last weekend that I went out to Tanabata f…

sharing points of view, opinions and hearing from others

Hello and good morning. It is a beautiful week of July, and it looks like we have finally come to the end of such wet rainy season, isn't it. きれいな七月の天候ですが、ようやく梅雨シーズンの終わりに来た感じがします。 Last month my father, …


Very good afternoon. With this humidity and climate, it seems that summer cold is spreading around places like schools or people's workplaces. My youngest son as well had got cold in a few years, although he rarely catches it because of th…

環境は自身で選べる And how we look at.

Hello and good afternoon. Now that towards the end of June, it is becoming quite humid with early summer breeze from the ocean. How is everything with you? 近頃、blogの更新が月二回程になっておりますが、変わらず大人のグループレッスンや英検…


Hello and good afternoon. In June, at the midst of wet and humid rainy season, how are the things with you? Having loads of washings or going out in the pouring rain seems quite hard everyday-work, isn’t it? 六月、梅雨真っ只中ですが、いか…


Hello and good afternoon. いきなりプレッシャーを与える(?) photoで、すみません。* 春も終盤ながら寒暖の差大きい近頃ですが、如何お過ごしでしょうか。。? Recently sunny days and rainy days seem to have come each in a row, isn't it. 快晴の日と…

Reading through Englishで、英語試験は突破できる

Hello and good afternoon. The climate is becoming really nice recently, with those lovely flowers to be caught. Then how are you planning to spend your G.W.? 五月と連休が始まり、新緑や花々の美しい近頃ですね。 マスク生活も解放されつつあるの…


*Beautiful day in Ginza the other day Hello and good morning. 時おり春雨はあるものの、気候も良くなりtaking a strollやテラスでお酒など、愉しい時節になってきました。 プライベートな話で恐縮ですが、シングルマムになって二年が経ちまして、隣の市…

Let's carry on together. 語学の道のりをたのしむ

Hello and good afternoon. It has been some time since the last article, but how is everything with you lately? Cherry blossoms have gone, and we may be waiting for the next season of beautiful roses, aren't we. この春からようやくマスクを…

With much thanks to my English course

Hello and good afternoon. Cherry trees are nearly towards the end, as April is soon to begin, and how are the things with you? Lately I seem to have launched the hay fever, finally after forty seven years! First experience to know indeed, …

fragrance of spring and island time

Hello and good morning. Lovely spring is just flourishing, and how is everything with you, although the pollens seem to have increased this year? I went back to hometown in the west for several days with my elder sons, and climate was bea…

new trend "worcation"

Hello! The climate has got warmer and warmer lately, and how are you spending these spring days although there should be lots of pollen just as every year? とみに暖かくなってきた三月ですが、花粉症の方も多いようで、どうぞ留意してお過ごしく…


Hello! With the temperature increasing gradually, the spring awaits us and how is everything with you? 少しずつ気温も上がってきて、春の訪れを感じる近頃。 如何お過ごしでしょうか? In February I had my son's important exams, then perhaps wit…

継続 continuanceで見えてくる世界がある

*週末に覗いたお洒落なwine bar Hello and good aftenoon. As we probably have passed the coldest time of year, it seems like the spring will await us! However at the same time, please do take care with coming hay fever. 一年で最も寒い時期を…


Hello and good afternoon. 二月、冷え込みが続いておりますね。 時には英語シャドーイングや朗読で、身体warm upさせてゆきましょう。 さて一月にいつも、生徒さん/受講生さん方へnew year's resolutions - 新年の抱負を伺うのですが、英語・外国語の自身に…


Hello and good aftenoon. It seems that this chilly pouring rainy day continues until the night. 寒い雨の一日ですが、外出の際はどうぞお気を付けくださいね。☂️ この春からの読売(横浜)センター、新規英語コースは「イギリス英語」を開講の予定で、…


Hello! 今年も「英語朗読 - Reading aloud English」を時々YouTubeに載せてまいりますので、ご覧いただけたら嬉しいです。 *よろしかったらsubscribe 登録してくださいね。 耳/listeningをよくすると、自然と口/speakingも良くなってきます。 日々の英語学…

Hello February, a bit fragrance of the spring

Hello and good afternoon. Fairly quick though, we are about to enter the second month of the new year. How is everything with you? 一月の大寒を過ぎ、早いもので新年の二ヶ月目になります。 如何お過ごしでしょうか? 風邪など召されませんように、…

winter cuisine and sweets

Hello and good afternoon. New year's January has already passed the half, but how are you spending this winter season so far? 新しい年の一月も半分が過ぎましたが、寒いシーズン如何お過ごしでしょうか? 一番寒い時期に入り暖房が欠かせませんが、…

Belated happy new year - 新年のご挨拶

A belated happy new year for everyone, and good afternoon. I wish here that your 2023 will be prosperous and joyfull year with all the bests. 遅ればせながら、新年おめでとうございます。 新たな2023年が、皆さまにとりまして実り多い、素敵な一年…

learning languageと静かな情熱

Hello and good morning. As the climate has got freezing recently, some people seem to be getting cold or flu, then I hope that you would stay warm towards the end of year & coming January. 師走も後半に入り、めっきり寒くなってまいりました。…

my continuous happy life

Hello and good morning. It seems like already three weeks that we have until the end of year, and I hope everyone is spending most of their time at this season. 早いもので、今年も暮れまで後三週間となりました。 師走の華やかさ、和やかさを感…

Sweet time comes around.

*late autumn roses with thick gorgeous colour Hello and good morning. Evenings come early in these chilly days, and I hope that you are staying warm and fluffy towards the real winter. 夜が来るのが早くなり、冬本番まで温かく過ごしてゆきた…

Teaching English courseについて

*Quite different style of beachside cinema (where I have seen the British film the other day) Hello and good afternoon. 師走に入って急に寒くなりましたが、春先まで英気をやしない、元気印で過ごしたいものですね。 さて、今年で英語を教え始めて八…

Towards the year's end - 時間管理のマトリックス

Hello and very good afternoon. Town and cities are becoming hectic in mood like every our year, and I hope that you won't get any cold toward the year's end. 師走が近づき、街はどことなく忙しなさ漂ってきましたが、年の暮れに向け皆様お風邪な…


Hello! As we are gradually getting closer to the last days of the year, there are many seasonal ornaments to be seen lately. 少しずつ年の瀬に近づくにつれ、師走の飾り付けが行き交う人々の瞳をたのしませています。 風邪の季節に入って、温かくし…